BARRIERTEC offers you the IT'S ON solution, a barrier technology developed by our research center, Group Research i.d. We can remove polyethylene and all contaminants from fibre-based packaging and make it repulpable and recyclable. Our technology allows us to recover and reuse the highest percentage of premium paper fibre instead of sending it to landfills. In addition, when the paper is recycled (REPULPABILITY), we contribute to the preservation of the environment.
BARRIERTEC is a simple and greener solutionfor protecting your packaging. No waste, no harm!

We want to create a high-performance barrier as strong as polyethylene but designed with sustainable and renewable components.
We didn't want any contamination or waste in the fibre recovery.
The process had to be simple for the industry, fast and adaptable to existing equipment.
And we had to be more competitive with (PE) polyethylene.
Our water-based IT'S ON technology is designed with sustainable components that are also PFAS and FDA-approved, which is perfect for the food industry. Once recycled, the processed packaging is reused as primary fibre in pulp and paper production. These multiple applications represent a great source of supply for the paper industry. We achieve a 99.3% recovery rate, the highest we have seen in our experience. Recyclability is key to reducing our carbon footprint; we need to prioritize the fibre; it needs to be recovered, not just thrown away or composted.
IT'S ON technology is flexible and adaptable to existing installations; you can apply it to any system before or after printing. The most significant impact is in our process, technology and the thin layer we apply to the paper. A unique approach allows for rapid pre-commercialization while being competitive for the manufacturer and large consumers. We are the only company in the world that can produce a repulpable and recyclable technology available quickly and right now.
We have unique knowledge from over 35 years of worldwide experience in the pulp and paper industry. Our dedicated repulpability research center allows us to assess the barrier needs of commercial packaging that we need to replace with repulpable technology.
M. François Dandenault spent part of his life as a development director for Cascade before creating 20 years ago his research center, Group Research i.d. Mr. Dandenault dedicated himself exclusively to repulpable barriers. He established his expertise, backed by multiple patents filed worldwide. With 35 years of experience and knowledge in the pulp and paper industry, he is considered by many to be the "father of repulpability." As you can see, the heart of BARRIERTEC is very committed, and it is in our DNA to protect the fibre, recycle it, and save as many trees as possible.
M. Dandenault defines the technical requirements according to the needs of the industry and takes the product from concept to market commercially. He ensures the development of BARRIERTEC by providing strategic direction and resources at all levels: research, technical, commercial, manufacturing and financial.

Owner and Founder Barriertec Packaging & Groupe Research I.D.
«We sell the science of
Repulpable packaging!»
François Dandenault, CEO